Understanding your inbox layout on Simpu

Understanding your inbox layout on Simpu


Understanding the layout of your inbox in Simpu is crucial for efficient management and navigation. Let's delve into the details of the inbox layout to help you grasp its various components and functionalities. Understanding the design of your inbox in Simpu enables you to efficiently navigate and manage your incoming messages, collaborate effectively with your team, and stay organized in your communication efforts.


The Simpu inbox is divided into 4 sections

  • Left Navigation sidebar

  • Conversation lists

  • Conversation and chat view

  • Right Sidebar

Left navigation sidebar

Your Simpu sidebar is designed to help you work most efficiently by showing you the most relevant information and hiding those that are not relevant to you by pinning and removing team inboxes or created tags.

The Navigation sidebar consists of:

Personal Inbox

  • If you've added your private work email or channel as an individual inbox in Simpu, those messages will arrive here. The Personal Inbox in the left sidebar consists of all channels added to your personal inbox in settings. The Conversations from these channels will only be visible to you and will not be included in analytics calculations or affect your metrics as a teammate in your team inbox.

  • The Conversation list inside the personal inbox tab consists of a tab navigation

    • All: This shows all your conversations that are coming into your personal inbox from every channel connected (WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram, Email).

    • Favorites: You can quickly start any conversation that you want to find later, and those conversations will appear in the Favourites tab in your inbox.

    • Snoozed: The Snoozed tab in your shows all messages that have been marked as snoozed to reappear at a later date at the top of your inbox.


  • The Unassigned folder in the left navigation sidebar shows all unassigned conversations from all the team inboxes that you are a part of. Unassigned conversations are conversations that have not been assigned to any teammate to handle.


  • The Assigned folder in the left navigation sidebar shows a list of all Conversations that are assigned to you, either by yourself or by a teammate or team lead. Assigned conversations are conversations that have been assigned to a teammate to handle.


  • The Mentions folder in the left navigation sidebar shows the list of all conversations that you have been @mentioned in or have been made a participant in.

  • When the conversation is closed, it will no longer appear in the mentions tab as it only shows active conversations.


  • The Closed folder in the left navigation sidebar shows you a list of all conversations that have been closed by you, including all closed conversations in which you were a participant.


  • The Drafts folder in the left navigation sidebar contains drafts that you created in Simpu and does not sync with the drafts in your Gmail or Office365 inbox that were created there or vice versa. Once you send the message, it will leave your Drafts ******folder and show in the inbox it was sent from.

Conversation lists

The conversation lists section of the Simpu Inbox shows you the list of conversations in any folder you are in (e.g., assigned, unassigned, drafts, etc.) from the left sidebar. It shows the last message from a customer, what channel the message was sent from, when the message was sent if a tag has been applied to the conversation if an internal comment is going on, and if a teammate is typing and replying to an internal comment, it also shows if an attachment is included in the conversation.

  • The Conversation list consists of a targeted search bar specifically for the folder that you are in.

  • Depending on what folder you are in, the conversation list has a top navigation tab consisting of filters specific to that folder

    • Personal inbox: All, Favourites, and Snoozed

    • Team inbox: Unassigned, Assigned, and Closed

Conversation and chat view

This is your main inbox view where you can see messages received and reply to the conversation and it has three sections.

  • The heading:
    The Conversation view heading has all actions and major information about the particular conversation. This includes:

    • The name and profile image of the customer

    • The Info icon to show a consolidated conversation info

    • Actions to be taken:

      • Mute conversation

      • Add a note to a conversation

      • Assign conversation

      • Add participants

      • Move to inbox

      • Close conversation

      • Add tags

      • Mark as unread

      • Print conversation

  • The conversation body:
    The conversation body consists of every individual message sent and received between the customer and the support agent. Also, all internal comments that are made will show up here. All messages appear in cards and can be acted upon individually, like quoting messages to reply or copying message ID.

  • Compose area:
    The Simpu composer is divided into two types that show up depending on the communication channel the message is coming from.

    The Email composer:

    In the Simpu email composer you will be able to:

    • Use many formatting options that give you the ability to change the font, font size, text color, text highlight, font styling (bold, italic, underline), insert an image, insert hyperlink

    • Insert emoji

    • Attach files

    • Insert canned responses

    • Delete the draft you are working on

    • Expand the email composer to full screen

    • Send options (send or send and close)

    • The Chat composer: In the Simpu chat composer you will be able to:

      • Insert emoji

      • Attach files

      • Insert canned responses

  • The Compose area also has an Internal chat composer. Messages sent through this composer cannot be seen by the customer and will only be internal between participants or assignees of the conversation. You can also add a participant to the conversation by simply mentioning the teammate in an internal comment.

The Right sidebar in Simpu is also known as the Integrations switcher. It shows all the integrations added to Simpu by your team also including the contact details of the customer whose conversation is being replied to.

  • Contact Details: Contact Details has different sections. Each section can be expanded and collapsed

    • Header: It consists of the name and profile photo of the contact, an add to contacts button to add the contact to company contacts if it still needs to be added, and the email or phone number of the contact.

    • Notes: Notes allow you to share context about this contact with your teammates and are a great way to add reminders for yourself later. When you add a new note, you can choose whether to share it with your entire company, or a specific team or keep it private.

    • Conversations: The Conversations ******section shows past conversations with the contact or account, across all channels you have access to in Simpu such as email, SMS, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

  • Integrations switcher:
    The integrations switcher is the vertical sidebar on the right edge of your Simpu inbox. You will see a list of icons representing each integration you have enabled in settings. To use an integration, click on its icon to open the panel. Click the icon again to collapse the integration panel. You can quickly switch between integrations by clicking on their icons while the integration panel is open. New integrations can be added by clicking the plus icon at the bottom or settings to create a new integration.

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