Understanding rules

Understanding rules


Simpu's rules engine empowers you to automate and optimize your workflows effectively. With Simpu's rule functionality, you can streamline your processes, eliminate repetitive tasks, and enhance your team's efficiency. For instance, you can establish a rule to allocate incoming messages to specific team members, apply tags to particular types of conversations, or consistently respond using a predefined message template.

Shared Rules

In Simpu, shared rules are powerful tools that can be applied to all inboxes, ensuring consistent automation and efficient management.

By utilizing shared rules in Simpu, Workspace Admins can establish consistent automation across inboxes, promoting efficiency and ensuring streamlined workflows within the organization.

Step 1:

To access shared rules, navigate to the settings tab in Simpu. From there, and click on the Rules.

Step 2:

Click on New Rule, for the specific workspace you want to configure rules for your team.

Step 3:

Toggle on the button to make the rule active and Input the details below.

Parts of a Rule

Rules consist of three distinct components: triggers, conditions, and actions. For a comprehensive overview, guide to rule conditions for detailed information.

Triggers (WHEN)

Triggers determine the specific events that prompt Simpu to evaluate rule conditions and determine if they are satisfied. These triggers can be initiated either manually by a teammate.

Conditions (IF)

Conditions refer to the criteria that dictate whether a rule will be executed. To learn more about utilizing "and/or" statements in your condition, please refer to this informative article.

Actions (THEN)

Actions define the specific outcomes or operations executed when a rule is successfully processed, meaning when all the conditions are met. These actions can encompass various functionalities, such as assigning tasks to teammates, adding tags to conversations, Reply with a message template.

Rules Templates

In Simpu, rules offer the functionality to respond quickly and consistently using message templates. Simpu allows you to create predefined message templates that can be used for responding to common types of inquiries or situations. These templates can include standard greetings, frequently asked questions, or other relevant information you often communicate to customers or clients.

Load Balancing Assignment.

Load-balancing assignments in Simpu allow you to Set assignment limits for teammates in a balanced manner.
By utilizing load-balancing assignments in Simpu, you can automate the task of conversations with your team members, maintain workload balance, and deliver an exceptional customer experience.

Round Robin Assignment

Simpu's round-robin assignment feature distributes tasks or conversations evenly among team members. Round-robin assignment ensures that tasks or conversations are assigned cyclically, distributing them equally among team members. This approach prevents any individual from being overloaded with tasks and promotes fairness in workload allocation.

Load Balancing Rules

Load balancing rules in Simpu allow you to set specific assignment limits for each teammate, ensuring a balanced distribution of tasks. By implementing load balancing rules with assignment limits in Simpu, you can achieve a balanced distribution of tasks, prevent overload, maximize productivity, and a good work environment for your team.

Input the number of limit you want to be assigned to the teammate and save.

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