Turning off email notifications in inbox

Turning off email notifications in inbox


Simpu provides flexible notification settings that allow you to have precise control over the alerts you receive for new activity within the platform. You have the option to select from predefined notification modes or create customized notification rules based on specific situations.

With Simpu, you can manage your desktop, mobile, and email notifications independently, ensuring that you receive notifications in the way that suits you best.


Step 1

Click on the Inbox Settings icon.

Step 2

Click on the gear icon located at the top right corner of Simpu. From there, navigate to the Personal Settings tab and choose the Notifications option.

Step 3

Select your basic notification modes for desktop and email or the “No notification” option under Email.

Step 4

Click on Save Changes.

Notification timing

Desktop notifications are sent immediately.
Email notifications are delayed by 30 seconds.

Sound notifications

You can turn on/off audio notifications for Simpu.


How do I disable personal inbox notifications?

To disable notifications for incoming messages in your (personal) inbox, you can create an advanced notification rule with the following condition and actions:

Condition: If a message arrives in the Individual inbox. Action: Don't notify me.

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