Simpu Form API Integration

Simpu Form API Integration

Getting Started

To get started with the Simpu Form API, you'll require a Simpu account, which you can create here, or you can log in to your Simpu account if you already have one here.

Create a Form

  1. Once you're logged in, navigate to the Data tab of the application and create a list by clicking on the add list button as shown below.

  2. Click on the "Start from scratch" button to create the list from scratch.

  3. On the list page, click on the "Views" button

  4. On the Views sidebar click on the Form View button to create a new form

  5. On the form page copy the form ID from the URL as shown below as this will be required for the API integration.

API Integration

For the API integration, you'll be working with 2 endpoints; a GET and POST—that coordinate together to execute the process of fetching and saving the form data and its respective fields.
Note: the form_id is the id of the form copied from the previous step

  1. GET:
  2. POST:

Sample API Response & Request

Find below the sample response from the GET endpoint, this returns the form details and columns (i.e fields).
Note: The IDs of the columns will be used to save response to the form with the POST endpoint

  1. "data": { "list_view_id": "27e66cc50d8159feacdd5f872ab66913", "title": "Coming Soon Opt-in Form", "description": "", "cover_img_url": null, "logo_img_url": null, "columns": [ { "id": "140d7d73d12f44d3b9b38fb0ebacd3c1", "required": false, "description": "", "type": "TEXT", "label": "Name", "name": "name", "width": 200, "options": [], "customization": { "format": null, "sub_format": null, "unsigned": false, "decimal_precision": 0, "tracked_column": "null", "include_time": false, "recurring_date": false, "default_value": null }, "is_hidden": false, "is_deleted": false, "default_label": "Untitled" }, { "id": "bfd2179a86ab46ceb262502a5a13afa2", "required": false, "description": "", "type": "EMAIL", "label": "Email Address", "name": "email address", "width": 319, "options": [], "customization": { "format": null, "sub_format": null, "unsigned": false, "decimal_precision": 0, "tracked_column": "null", "include_time": false, "recurring_date": false, "default_value": null }, "is_hidden": false, "is_deleted": false, "default_label": "Untitled" }, { "id": "a646c6d354664f1da6617828aaf4828c", "required": false, "description": null, "type": "TEXT", "label": "Feature", "name": "feature", "width": 200, "options": [], "customization": { "format": null, "sub_format": null, "unsigned": false, "decimal_precision": 0, "tracked_column": "null", "include_time": false, "recurring_date": false, "default_value": null }, "is_hidden": false, "is_deleted": false, "default_label": "Untitled" } ], "show_branding": true, "interaction_type": null, "redirect_url": null, "submit_message": "Thank you for submitting the form!", "submit_button_text": "Submit", "allow_resubmit": false, "refresh_after_submit": false, "redirect_after_submit": false, "notify_after_submit": false, "created_datetime": 1698310365626, "updated_datetime": 1702650769651, "id": "1d9513da66655e9bb8902d079c1b524f" },

Here's a sample response to the POST endpoint using Javascript:

  1. const payload = {
  2.      "140d7d73d12f44d3b9b38fb0ebacd3c1": "John doe",
  3.      "bfd2179a86ab46ceb262502a5a13afa2": ""
  4.   }

  1.   const saveFormResponse = async () => {
  2.     try {
  3.       const res = await fetch("", {
  4.         method: "POST",
  5.         body: JSON.stringify(payload)
  6.       })
  7.       setStage('success-prompt');
  8.     } catch (e) {
  9.       console.log(e)
  10.     }
  11.   };

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