How to create & apply signature in Inbox

How to create & apply signature in Inbox


Simpu allows you to create signatures for all inboxes for email channels. You can create signatures for your personal and team inbox, which helps to give your emails a more personalized effect. Signatures are consistent and can be easily updated with the most relevant information.

Note Signatures are only for email channels and not chat, WhatsApp, etc.


Step 1

Click the gear icon on the top right of the inbox and into the settings tab.

Step 2

Click on the Organization or Personal tab, On the Left Navigation bar, click on Signatures.

Step 3

Click on Create a signature or select a signature from your lists that you can edit. Type in the signature in the input area

Step 4

Click on Save.

Apply Signature to inbox

Step 1

Go back to the Inbox, Click on the Compose button.

Step 2

On the footer of the compose modal, click on the signature icon.

Step 3

Select the Signature and apply.

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