How to Create an Email Sender Profile on Simpu

How to Create an Email Sender Profile on Simpu


This guide will walk you through the process of creating an email sender profile on the Simpu mail platform. A sender profile is essential for sending emails through the platform. Please note that a sending domain must be created before setting up a sender profile.

Steps to Create an Email Sender Profile

  1. Login to Simpu:

    Access your Simpu mail platform account by entering your credentials.

  2. Access Your Profile:

    Click on your profile icon, typically located in the top right corner of the interface.

  3. Open Sender Profile:

    In the sidebar menu, find and click on the "Sender profile" option.

  4. Initiate New Sender Profile:

    Click the "New sender profile" button to start the creation process.

  5. Fill in Sender Details:

    • From: Enter the desired sender name (e.g., Your Company Name).
    • Sender email address: Provide the email address that will appear as the sender.
    • Reply to: Specify the email address where replies to the sent emails will be directed.

  6. Create Sender Profile:
    Click the "Create sender profile" button to finalize the process.

Additional Notes
  • Sending Domain: Ensure that a sending domain has been established before creating a sender profile.
  • Profile Information: The information you provide in the sender profile will be displayed to email recipients.
  • Reply-To Address: The reply-to address determines where responses to sent emails will be delivered.

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