Connecting an email forwarding channel in Simpu inbox

Connecting an email forwarding channel in Simpu inbox


Simpu Inbox allows you to streamline your email communications by consolidating multiple email addresses into one unified platform. This guide will walk you through connecting an email forwarding channel in Simpu, enabling you to receive and manage emails from multiple accounts within a single interface. By following these steps, you can ensure efficient email management and improved productivity.

To connect a forwarding channel follow these steps

Step 1

Accessing Inbox Settings
  • Log in to your Simpu account using your credentials.

  • Once logged in, navigate to the Inbox settings menu. You can typically find this by clicking on the gear icon in the top navigation bar.

Step 2

Adding a New Channel
  • In the settings menu, locate the "Inboxes"

Step 3

Click on Add a Team inbox button.

Step 4

Give Inbox a name and a description, and click on Create.

Step 5

Under Teammate Access, select the desired Team or Team member.

Step 6

Navigate to the bottom of the Channels section and choose "Other email client (SMTP/IMAP)" from the list of options.

Step 7

Configuring Email Forwarding

  • Enter the email address you want to connect to Simpu. This should be the email address from which you want to receive emails.

  • Follow the provided instructions to configure email forwarding from your email provider to your Simpu account. This typically involves accessing your email provider's settings and configuring a forwarding rule to redirect incoming emails to your Simpu email address.

Step 4

Verifying Email Forwarding

  • After configuring the email forwarding settings in your email provider, return to Simpu.

  • Simpu will attempt to verify the forwarding by sending a verification email to your connected email address. Check the inbox of the email address you want to connect to and follow the verification instructions provided in the email.

Step 5

Completing the Channel Setup

  • Once the email forwarding is successfully verified, return to Simpu.

  • Simpu will automatically detect the verification and complete the channel setup.

  • You can customize the channel settings, such as assigning it to specific team members or setting up automated actions, according to your preferences.

Step 6

Managing Emails in Simpu

  • Once the channel setup is complete, you will start receiving forwarded emails from the connected email address in your Simpu Inbox.

  • Navigate to your Simpu Inbox to view and manage all incoming emails.

  • Simpu offers a range of features to help you efficiently manage your emails, such as assigning emails to team members, adding tags or labels, and setting up automated workflows.


By connecting an email forwarding channel in Simpu Inbox, you can consolidate multiple email accounts into a single platform, simplifying email management and improving your productivity. Follow the steps outlined in this guide to seamlessly set up and manage your email forwarding channels. If you encounter any issues or require further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team for help.

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