Downloading Recipient Lists for Broadcast Retargeting

Downloading Recipient Lists for Broadcast Retargeting

Simpu's broadcast retargeting feature allows you to easily identify and download a list of recipients who have engaged with your SMS broadcast campaigns. This can be a powerful tool for running targeted follow-up campaigns and maximizing the impact of your SMS marketing efforts.

Step 1: View Campaign Analytics

1. Log in to your Simpu account and navigate to the "Broadcasts" section.
2. Find the SMS broadcast campaign you want to analyze and click on the "View More" option.
3. This will take you to the campaign analytics page, where you can see detailed information about the performance of your broadcast.

Step 2: Download the Recipient List

1. Click on the "Download List" button next to the "Link Clicks" metric.
2. This will initiate the process of downloading a CSV file containing the contact information for the engaged recipients.

Important Considerations

1. Please note that downloading the recipient list is a paid service on Simpu. You will be charged 1 credit per row in the downloaded file.
2. For example, if you have 50,000 engaged recipients, the download will cost you 50,000 credits.
3. Make sure you have enough credits in your Simpu account before initiating the download. You can purchase additional credits if needed.
4. The downloaded file will contain the contact information (phone number, IP location etc.) for the recipients who clicked the trackable link in your SMS broadcast.

Using the Downloaded List for Retargeting

1. The downloaded recipient list can now be used to create targeted follow-up campaigns or re-engage the interested contacts.
2. You can upload the list to your CRM or marketing automation platform and use it to run personalized SMS, email, or other marketing campaigns.
3. By focusing your efforts on the engaged recipients, you can increase the overall effectiveness of your retargeting strategy and drive better results.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

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